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NIADA Political Action Committee

NIADA-PAC is the Political Action Committee of the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association. The NIADA-PAC may only make political contributions to candidates for federal office. Federal law requires NIADA-PAC to obtain written authorization from a member of NIADA prior to soliciting contributions to NIADA-PAC. This requirement applies to solicitations conducted via mail, electronic mail, and solicitations made during meetings and conventions.

The NIADA-PAC requests your approval to solicit contributions to the NIADA-PAC and offers the attached form which authorizes us to solicit personal contributions to the NIADA-PAC from you. Completing this authorization does not obligate you in any way to support or contribute to the NIADA-PAC, it simply allows NIADA-PAC to discuss fundraising efforts with you. Printable form available

Please complete the form below for the authorized representative from your company authorizing the approval to solicit.