Board of Directors

Gordon Tormohlen

Michael Darrow, CMD

Don Griffin

Dan Johnson

Bentley Nolan

Darla Booher, CMD

Chris Maher Sr.

Jack Carter

Greg Zak

Mark Weida

Nick Markosian

Otto Hahne, CMD
Chief Executive Officer: Jeff Martin
HR Manager & Accounting Coordinator: Mary Anne Barker
Office & Tech Manager: Yeni White
Events Team
Meetings & Events Director: Devin Agonis
Meetings & Events Coordinator: Danya McKenzie
Finance Team
Controller: Ada Morton
Senior Accounting Manager: Emily Sotelo
Marketing Team
Art Manager: Christy Haynes
Digital Marketing Manager: Leon Oziel
Communications Manager: Richard Greene
Membership Team
Membership Director: Teresa Orkun
Membership Assistant: Valerie Torres
Sales Team
Business Partner Relations Manager: Joe Kearse
20 Groups Team
20 Groups Moderator & Consultant: Ed Curry
20 Groups Moderator & Consultant: Brad White
20 Groups Director of Education: Brent Carmichael
20 Groups Director: Brittany Mitchell
20 Groups Dev Sales Manager: John Dismukes
20 Groups Accountant: Joel Drew
20 Groups Billing & Meeting Specialist: Tanekia Johnson
Foundation Board
A nonprofit charitable organization responsible for NIADA’s scholarship funds and assisting dealers and their families in need. The Foundation is governed by no less than a 10-member Board appointed by the NIADA President and confirmed by the NIADA Board.
Finance Committee
Finance Committee shall be appointed by the NIADA Board of Directors, chaired by the NIADA Treasurer and comprised of at least two additional board members, as well as the treasurers of NIADA Foundation and NIADA Services. The committee shall counsel with the CEO on the annual budget of each entity, provide insight and commentary, prepare recommendations, recommend the investment of surplus funds, and review the annual audit or review of the accounts for each board.
Leadership Committee
Leadership Development Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors, chaired by the NIADA Chairman and comprised of at least two other board members and three at-large members. No less than 120 days prior to the annual meeting, the committee shall notify the members of their intention to interview applicants for the Board of Directors. No less than 70 days prior to the annual meeting, the committee shall report their recommendations to the past presidents.
Awards Committee
Awards Committee shall assist the staff in administering awards programs of the Association, according to policies established by the Board of Directors; establish qualifications and secure entries of all awards and advise the staff on the promotion, rules, and selection and presentation of awards.
PAC Committee
The purpose of the PAC Committee is to provide the opportunity for individuals interested in the future of the independent auto industry to contribute to the support of worthy candidates for Federal office who believe, and have demonstrated their beliefs in, the principles to which the independent auto industry is dedicated. To further these purposes, the Committee is empowered to solicit, directly or indirectly, and accept, voluntary personal contributions and expenditures in connection with the attempt to influence the selection, nomination, or electing of any individual to any Federal office.
Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee
Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee shall serve as an advisory committee charged with monitoring federal and state legislative activities and regulatory rules affecting all licensed independent dealers, including BHPH, retail, and wholesale; researching, drafting, and promoting legislation to be endorsed or opposed by NIADA. The committee shall also evaluate trends and developments applicable to independent automobile dealers and recommend to the board legislative programs to best represent the interest of its members.
Bylaws Committee
Bylaws Committee shall assist the board in reviewing specific articles identified by the board and all proposed changes by members of the association. The committee shall place the proposals in the proper wording for inclusion in the bylaws, combine proposals of like substance, work with the Treasurer to determine any fiscal impact, and offer the recommendations of the committee at the annual membership meeting.