We’ve all read the stories and listened to the gurus — traditional media is dead or at the very least, dying.
But is it really? Has the digital revolution caused irreversible damage? Are dealers wasting their dollars when they place ads on TV, radio or a billboard?

While it’s true that many aren’t as strong as they once were, all those traditional mediums are not dead. They still occupy a place in the media landscape. Most importantly, consumers still spend lots of their time consuming what these mediums offer.
The truth is that none of the old mediums have disappeared. People still read books, magazines and newspapers. They still go to the movies, listen to the radio and watch television.
So which medium is the best for your dealership? Radio has sound, and the “theater of the mind.” Newspapers have tangibility. TV has visual, audio and “feeling.” The internet seems to have it all, plus it’s a two-way street, making it by far the most democratic medium to date. Everyone can be a publisher, performer or critic.
No one will argue that the Internet has become the showroom. Powerful and pervasive as it is, it still depends on the outreach mediums to tell people that your store exists – what it is, where it is and why they should go there.
Word-of-mouth still ranks as the most powerful advertising. With all the customer comments and review sites, the internet can provide this, too. Be advised that customer comments cut both ways.
Unlike face-to-face and word-of-mouth, which tend to be limited to a few people, negative comments posted online can reach hundreds of potential customers instantly.
While technology changes at a blinding pace, people haven’t changed all that much. Since time began, they’ve done what pleases them and what they’re comfortable with. That doesn’t change overnight. If you make your selling proposition easy, comfortable and beneficial, your marketing efforts will continue to generate positive results.
If your goal is to build your brand while creating leads and selling opportunities, consider traditional media platforms.
See Heider’s full article from the March issue of UCD here. Heider will be a speaker at the NIADA Convention and Expo.