NIADA installs new officers for 2024-25

With a rare contest after voting in the slate of officers, the NIADA membership confirmed the leadership for 2024-25.

NIADA members voted against a motion to force newly elected president Michael Darrow to vacate the office.

Darrow addressed the membership in a moment of personal privilege.

Darrow said he’d be honored to serve dealers and the association. He’s served on the NIADA board since 2018.

“I want the dealers that follow us to have a better chance of survival in this industry,” Darrow said. “I want to help the image of the independent dealer. I have a vision for the future of the independent dealer and I’d be honored to serve the membership and finish my term of service.”

The other officers voted into leadership were:

President-elect, Don Griffin

Senior Vice President, Darla Booher

Treasurer, Dan Johnson

Secretary, Bentley Nolan

Vice President Region 1, Chris Maher, Sr.

Vice President Region 2, Jack Carter

Vice President Region 3, Greg Zak

Vice President Region 4, Mark Weida

Vice President At Large (2 positions), Nick Markosian and Otto Hahne

The 2023-24 President Gordon Tormohlen becomes the Chairman of the Board.

After the vote, Bert Straub, who seconded the motion, addressed the membership and said he hoped settling the issue would unify the association.

NIADA CEO Jeff Martin said, “I’m proud of the fact this was a transparent process and dealer member voices were heard. We are focused on the future and representing all segments of the independent automobile industry.”

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